As everything with the show, they parallel each other. Detective Carver’s growth in depth is as expansive as Sgt. Omar’s strength of character and code of ethics is exactly the opposite of Proposition Joe’s con-man ways. Marlo’s ambition is only rivaled by Carcetti’s. You could make a case for any of the children being the protagonist *That means center of the show for those of us who have never taken an English Lit class. Name the main character of Season 4 of the Wire. They spread the wealth on this one folks.When you go to jail, very few people get to see you and you get to see very few people. His name is mentioned, but you never see his face. Avon Barksdale isn’t seen on screen for the entire series.You can either teach the kids or bury them. It made a bold statement, one too hard to ignore. The use of Lamel Middle School as the morgue was, under no uncertain terms, magnificent imagery.

Again, these aren’t storylines people – this is reality TV. Put it this way, if one were to have left Baltimore for, say, Iraq for about five years and came back and asked you what he missed, you could just hand him the Dvd’s and have another conversation. The show really isn’t a drama, as it is classified in the TV Guide, it’s a documentary. This isn’t a creative storyline, this is my world. Those aren’t “sets” they are shooting on, that’s my hometown. Go to your friendly neighborhood barbershop, and for the cost of a polo-shirt, buy a bootleg DVD that will change your life, for better or worse. If you haven’t seen Season Four of The HBO Series “The Wire” you should stop reading now. Maybe they sleep safer at night thinking that way. It’s just that most people think its fiction. That’s a sad state of affairs.īut, as Dinero said in Heat, “There’s a flip side to that coin”. And that doesn’t even include that surprisingly popular granddaddy of em all, Survivor, show whose producers just had a “night in Vegas” moment and said “Screw it, lets just make the entire show about racism.” And no one objects. We have “reality” television shows drawing tens of millions of viewers each night on topics ranging from matrimony (The Bachelor), to boxing (The Contenders), to practical jokes (Punk’d), to criminal justice (Cops), to karaoke (American Idol).

The word “reality” is thrown around so much its losing its currency.

The greatest trick the devil ever did was fooling the world into thinking he didn’t exist……………………